
CfP: História - Revista da FLUP, IV Série, Número 8, 1.º semestre, 2018 - O(s) Tempo(s)

Submission deadline: 5th march, 2018.
IV Série, Number 8, 1st Semester, 2018- The Time(s) 
(editors of special issue: Inês Amorim, Sara Pinto and Luís Pedro Silva)
The Journal História – Revista da FLUP welcomes the submission of articles for publication in a special issue that proposes to explore the multiple meanings of the word time, aspiring to weave a kaleidoscopic tapestry in light of a wide range of possible approaches, such as: time/memory, tradition and identity; time/work and business; time/distance; time/leisure; time/science, technique and technology; time/heritage; time/weather and meteorology; etc..

Recruitment of 15 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Early Stage Researchers

Building Resourceful and Resilient Communities through Adaptive and Transformative Environmental Practice - ‘RECOMS’ 
Recruitment of 15 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Early Stage Researchers
RECOMS is a Marie Sklodowska Curie (MSCA) Innovative Training Network funded by the European Commission (2018-2022). RECOMS is comprised of a transdisciplinary consortium of scientists, practitioners and change agents from eleven public, private and non-profit organisations, located in six European Union countries: Austria, Belgium, England, Finland, Germany and The Netherlands.
The purpose of RECOMS is to train 15 Early Stage Research (ESR) Fellows in innovative, transdisciplinary and transformative approaches to promoting and facilitating resourceful and resilient community environmental practice. The 15 Early Stage Researcher vacancies are now open for applications.
In addition to engaging in a series of collaborative research and training activities, recruited ESRs will be supported in pursuing a doctoral study project. If you are highly motivated; inspired by learning and undertaking innovative research, thinking and knowledge exchange across disciplines, institutional boundaries and wider society; and wish to be part of an advanced, international, network of creative change agents specialising in resourceful and resilient community environmental practice; then one of these ESR vacancies could be the ideal appointment for you.
For further information on the RECOMS project, eligibility, application procedure and list of all 15 Early Stage Researcher posts available across the hosting institutions, please see here. To see the RCC specific projects, please click here
Co-supervised by academic and non-academic partners, the RECOMS ESRs will be encouraged to critically, practically, and creatively explore the contribution and relationships between their individual doctoral study projects across three interconnecting research themes: Unlocking and Empowering; Adapting and Transforming; Collaborating and Connecting.
A core feature of the RECOMS programme - both with respect to informing the design and delivery of all the training, as well as enabling and maximising opportunities for knowledge exchange through research and associated outputs - will be the incorporation of a broad range of visual and creative research methods and modes of communication.
The employment contracts are fixed term for 36-months, beginning September 1st 2018. The ESRs will be employed with normal social security coverage by the host institutions and will have all benefits provided for in the MSCA-ITN early career fellowship regulations, including a highly competitive remuneration, living allowances and mobility expenses.  Successful applicants will be enrolled for doctoral study at no additional cost.
In order to be eligible to apply for this post applicants meet the following criteria:
- Applicants MUST – at the start date of the employment contract [1st September 2018] – be an ‘early stage researcher’: they must be in the first four years of their research career and NOT have a doctoral degree.
- At the time of appointment applicants MUST NOT have resided in or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting host institution for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to their recruitment. Short stays, such as holidays, are not taken into account.
- Applicants MUST have a University Masters degree.
- Excellent English language proficiency is required
Closing date: 1 March 2018
For any informal enquiries please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

ESEH Biennial Conference 2019

Tallinn, Estonia, 21 to 25 August 2019
Hosting institution: Estonian Centre for Environmental History (KAJAK), University of Tallinn
The Next ESEH Biennial Conference will be held in Tallinn!
To build on the discussions at the 2017 biennial conference in Zagreb, the 2019 Tallinn conference will operate under the notion of “boundaries in/of environmental history”, and will expand the idea of natures in-between to reach out for boundaries between humans and non-humans, environment and technologies, transcorporeality, transboundary agents, planetary boundaries as well as disciplinary boundaries and boundaries of science and arts, activism, popular science, etc. Keep posted for a Call for Papers to be released in 2018! The CfP would include a specific call for inter-area/border-crossing panels to encourage cross-European comparison. We are excited to have Prof. Finn Arne Jørgensen as the head of Programme Committee.
ESEH Tallinn team has committed to an ambitious diversification policy that seeks to encourage different session formats that diversify the ways we transmit knowledge, and promote gender and age balance at our conference. We are also dedicated to seeking low-cost accommodation for participants with limited financial support. If you still cannot make it to Tallinn, don’t worry – we are hoping to live-stream some of the sessions!
See you in Tallinn!
Local organizing committee:
Prof. Ulrike Plath (University of Tallinn)
Prof. Karsten Brüggemann (Tallinn University)
Prof. Tiiu Koff (Tallinn University)
Ass. Prof. Linda Kaljundi (Tallinn University)
Dr. Kati Lindström (KTH Royal Institute of Technology/ University of Tartu)
Ass. Prof. Marten Seppel (University of Tartu)
Dr. Erki Tammiksaar (Estonian University of Life Sciences and University of Tartu)
Dr. Kadri Tüür (Tallinn University and University of Tartu)
MA Liisi Jääts (Estonian National Museum)

Placing Gender. A Workshop on Gender and Environmental History

Gender remains an under-developed area of inquiry in environmental history. Despite Carolyn Merchant’s provocative 1990 article on gender and environment in the Journal of American History, little has happened to address this fact. This workshop aims to bring together scholars working in this area in order to advance the study of gender in environmental history. We hope to attract submissions which cover a range of time periods and diverse geographical areas.
Furthermore, we hope that participants will engage with some of the theoretical challenges of gendering environmental history.
For more information, please read the attached CfP or check out the event website.
The deadline for proposals is 15 February 2018.  Please send abstracts of 300 words outlining your topic and the contribution of your paper to the field of environmental history sent to both This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Call for Papers - Fronteiras Journal v.6 n. 3 (2017) (Dossiê "História, Ciência e Natureza")

Dossier “History, Science and Nature”
The relation between History, Science and Nature is extremely dynamic and interdisciplinary, allowing a deeper knowledge on the uses of the planet and Nature (Earth / Oceans / Seas). Through the analysis of the last we intend to develop a transnational and comparative perspective of the History of Sciences and Technologies. We also intend to understand Nature as a way of modernization of the economic, social, scientific and cultural activities of the different States and Nations. Nature also seen as an agent of new practices and sociabilities, representative of new philosophical and social ideals, in which the production, circulation and appropriation of knowledge and techniques is a reality, creating important networks that unite the Mediterranean world with the Ibero-American world and Africa. This call gives preference to the following scientific areas: Transnational History; History of Science and Technology; Internationalization of Science and Scientific Internationalism; Museums and Scientific Collections; Spaces and Actors of Science; Scientific and Cultural Diplomacy; History of Colonialism; History of Natural Sciences; History of Health Sciences; History of the Environment; History of Meteorology; Seas and Oceans.
- Ângela Salgueiro (Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Universidade de Évora, Portugal) 
- José Pedro Sousa Dias (Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência – Museus da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal) 
- Maria de Fátima Nunes (Universidade de Évora, Portugal) 
- Sara Albuquerque (Universidade de Évora, Portugal)
Deadline for submission: January 30th, 2018
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