
Call for Biologist

Fishing Architecture is Hiring a Biologist

The research project Fishing Architecture (FISH-A), European Research Council Consolidator Grant reference ERC-2021-COG 101044244 (2022–2027), funded by the European Commission through the Horizon Europe Framework Programme, based at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto (FAUP) in Portugal, is launching a call to recruit a biologist to integrate its research team. The call will be open until July 10th 2023 and aims to hire one post-doctoral researcher.

FISH-A is a research project that sets out to trace a socioecological history of North Atlantic architecture in relation to fisheries, elucidating the relationships between marine environments and terrestrial landscapes and assessing the ecological impact of fishing constructions and the natural resources they depend upon. Please check the project website for further information.

More information at:

SPUP - FAUP| Doutorado de Nível Inicial - Projeto "Fishing Architecture" Ref. 2023/14, N.º 25



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